Eye exams start as early as six-months-old.

The eyes play a big role in a child's early stage of development. Vision rapidly changes each month as a child grows, and their level of vision guides future developmental stages.
Our doctors at Northern Sight Optometry are educated and well-trained in providing pediatric eye exams with a behavioural and developmental approach to ensure your baby reaches their highest visual potential.
A pediatric eye exam includes:
A review of birth history, medical history, and developmental milestones
A review of academic status for school-aged children
Measuring their level of vision using special lights and lenses
A look into the eye muscles and eye focusing system
Checking risk for amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (eye turn)
An ocular health assessment to identify risks for damaging eye diseases
Children may not always be vocal about their symptoms, so it can be challenging for parents to identify whether their child is having visual issues. An eye exam is the best way to identify vision challenges in infants and non-verbal children. Our special tests allow us to evaluate their vision and eye health without any communication.

Early identification of visual problems in children is essential.
If these visual issues go undiagnosed for too long, it can have a serious impact on a child's visual potential, their sensory development, and their ability to learn.
Therefore, children should receive a comprehensive eye examination on an annual basis for early detection and treatment of any eye conditions.
Have any questions before coming in?
Visit our FAQ page to know what to expect at Northern Sight Optometry.